18 April, 2010

Chrome – test Drive…

Google chrome released long time back, I never tried it, but after using some mobile services and read about N900 + Chrome, I thought to test run. Finally start with Mac OS version, then tried on Linux (Fedora x86_64 RPM build by google), and Finally on Windows. It imported all data from Firefox on All platforms very easily , no error, and look was same on all OS, Same feel.

Book Mark Sync was quick feature, which I liked most as Firefox, need to install Weave and then it ask Few more username and password and PIN, then start sync, but for Chrome, someone need only Google a/c and it is done. But what I missed is Merge feature, which works better on Firefox (it ask what to merge), but chrome don’t. You have to merge or not sync at all. Secondly not sure, but I found it is not syncing Password and Browser history like Mozilla Weave

Overall smooth ride, cool look, faster loading, interface than Firefox.

for i18n/l10n point, it is not available in my language (Punjabi), for which I pushed Issue. For Indic, it is available in Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu.

it is Open Source, so got en-GB file to translate, start work if I can push to Google, where I am not sure whether they accept code or not.

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